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Request for Proposal - Engineering Consulting Services


EDA Project Number 01‐79‐15241

Request for Proposals

Big Rock Mountain, located in Mars Hill, Maine issues the following request for Proposals (RFP).

Engineering Consulting Services (Engineer)

To provide the design and oversight of a Chairlift Installation and Snowmaking Infrastructure project. Proposals shall be submitted by qualified firms that are capable with demonstrable backgrounds in the aspects of worked described in the Scope of Services of this RFP. Firms submitting Proposals must be licensed to practice engineering in the State of Maine. It is the intent of this RFP to select one qualified firm with experience in the engineering disciplines listed in the scope of services.

Proposals Requirements 

Proposals are due no later than 4 PM on Tuesday December 20, 2022. Submissions will be accepted by email in .pdf format to [email protected]. Submission to contain two files. One file for the technical approach/qualifications/schedule and a separate file for the fee. Submissions received by email after this time will not be considered.



Any questions regarding this RFP should be addressed to the Big Rock project team email, [email protected], with “RFP Question - Chairlift Install and Snowmaking Infrastructure Project” in the subject line. All questions received and there corresponding responses will be issued as an addendum to this RFP on Big Rock’s website. Perspective consultants shall be solely responsible for obtaining all questions and answers related to this RFP.


Question & Answer

Question: On other federally funded projects I have worked on, typically the sponsor, i.e. the town or associated municipality is the one who has a registration with SAMs.  It is my understanding that the Town of Mars Hill will not be taking this roll as a sponsor of the federal EDA grant?
Answer: Big Rock applied to the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration independently as a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization under the American Rescue Plan Act Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation Notice of Funding Opportunity. The award is to Big Rock directly with no associated town or sponsor.
Question: Has an environmental resource review (wetlands, VPs, flora, fauna identification) been conducted for the site?  If so, how old is the report?
Answer: Northern Maine Development Commission assisted with the “Big Rock Ski Area - EDA Environmental Narrative, dated, January 5, 2022” attached above under documents.  A more in-depth National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental analysis must be completed as part of the Federal EDA Award requirements. Listed in the RFP under A. Scope of Services (Item 7.) is the engineer/engineering firm to “Provide National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) coordination services with various Federal, State, and local resource agencies.”
Question: Has a topographic survey been completed or did the preliminary report utilize published topographical data?
Answer: A topographical survey was not completed as part of the preliminary engineering report for application to the EDA. The chairlift manufacturer used available topographical data to provide their preliminary lift profile.
Question: Is the chairlift manufacturer responsible for the design of the foundations for each tower or is that the responsibility of the awarded consulting engineer?
Answer: Lift tower foundations are the responsibility of the chairlift manufacturer. The awarded engineer for this RFP will incorporate the tower specifications from the chairlift manufacturer into the final construction contract documents.
Question: Can the snow making engineering team also submit a construction bid to provide equipment for this project?
Answer: Listed in the RFP under A. Scope of Services (Item 5.) is an options analysis of snowmaking design alternatives. The desired outcome of the options analysis is to evaluate existing snowmaking and formulate options to meet performance specifications of “allow Big Rock to open the season consistently before Christmas Holiday/Break on 60% of the mountain.”  Through this analysis the engineer will use their own expertise or an engineer that specializes in snowmaking to provide the best snowmaking project outcomes based on the available budget available. For construction, the EDA will not allow the same firm/company who designs the work to bid the construction as that would be inside knowledge.
Question: Is there flexibility in the schedule?
Answer: There can be flexibility in the schedule, and we would look towards the engineer’s recommendations/experience regarding the schedule and how to best phase construction for a successful project. That said, there is a strong importance for construction to begin late spring/summer 2024 with completion of the chairlift by the end of 2024. Snowmaking improvements could have more flexibility if needed but ideally would also be finished before the end of 2024.